Sunday, December 15, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
First Vet Visit - From Mom
It started out well, and then the old Roxy anxious panicked whining/howling/circling began! Oh no! I was losing her fast! So I thought, WWAD! What would Ashley do! Come on B&B training, come to my brain. CYCLES! She would do cycles and heeling and so I began doing that in the tiny room I had to do it in. Eventually she became so focused on me and obeying that she forgot where we were. She forgot this was scary and new, and when she was really calm, I had her sit on the bench.
The vet assistant walked in, and Roxy didn't even move. She whined a little, just curious at who this new person was, but stayed without any word or signal from me!
She was SO GOOD the whole time! The only time she tried to pull away was when they shoved a thermometer up her butt, but who wouldn't I mean really? The vet even said how good of a dog I have, and how it's so nice to deal with the sweet ones when there's so many that give the vet a hard time! I mentioned it was a lot of training and he should've seen her a month ago LOL! Roxy had a great experience, even though she was poked/prodded/stabbed/violated, she felt confident and calm and trusted me! And I was a happy mommy =).
Seriously, THANKS B&B!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Welcome Back Soon! - From Mom
My awesome Bark and Biscuit trainer Ashley has Roxy for a board and train. I was supposed to get her back Friday, but she asked, with my permission, if a few more days of training would be okay because Roxy needs it! I love that Ashley looks out for our best interest! I know Roxy is a high strung little ball of excitement and energy. She wants so much to please you, but sometimes she tries too hard, gets freaked out when she can't figure out what you want, and falls over on her back as if she's saying, "I tried, please just love me!" It's so sad. If she were to just calm down and pay attention, I know she is smart enough to get it!!
Ashley is also teaching her to leave stuff outside! She's just so excited to go say hi to everything, that it can be annoying, and even dangerous when we're running or on my bike. This, among other things, Bark and Biscuit is getting taken care of! I miss her so much since I live alone, but this is totally worth it. And every picture she sends me of Roxy, she always looks so happy! A dog with a job is definitely a happy one. In the meantime I'm trying to take advantage of my extra time and get things done! I don't have a yard, so it's nice to be able to run some errands after work for awhile and take my mind off of my current lack-of-dog.
I made her a Welcome Back sign on the kitchen chalk board I made! Cuz...Roxy will totally appreciate it............she'll walk in and see that...and be like......wooofity woofin wooof! and I'll be like, "I love you too!"
Thursday, November 14, 2013
So Much Work - From Roxy
Okay. I think I'm finally understanding what these people want from me. They want me to be calm like a lot and around a lot of things, and to pay attention to them. When I get very excited, it is not good. I feel bossy and like I could just do whatever I want! Which is a great feeling, but my humans don't seem to appreciate it very much! Especially when we're outside. Then I feel really bad when I make them not happy. Plus I get so distracted that I wander too far! Instead let's all be happy, I can do this! I can listen to them! I like structure! Cuz sometimes I don't know what to do...and it makes me sad and nervous that I'm not doing something right. I'd rather we just all get along, and if I'm supposed to heel around a chicken, or come when I'm called, or not plow into you when we play fetch, then that's what I'll do!

Well I hope mom knows this is worth it, I love all this attention and work and I can't wait to show her what I know!
Friday, November 1, 2013
Ch-ch-cheee ... eese? - From Roxy
Oh dear this trainer is making me just sit outside my door! I can't even go anywhere and it makes me very nervous! I think she's waiting for me to 'relax,' as mom says. Maybe...maybe if I give her a smile...we may then go, yes?
Saturday, September 28, 2013
You're hot then you're cold - From Mom
Roxy was going through one of her twice a year shedding extravaganzas! If you've ever been in my home, it's fairly clean all the time and I could NOT handle that fur everywhere!! So she got shaved...then the temp went from being 90, to 50! Dammit Utah!
Roxy was very cold!
I felt so bad, seeing her all curled up the last couple days. I knew I had to do something, so I bought her a nice fleece hoody to wear outside, and a new t-shirt inside. I loved the hoody so much we had to take pics. She is much warmer now, and looking cute sporting her lion's tail. Apparently her hair underneath is skin-colored, so at least now she doesn't look naked.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
My First Pack Hike - from Roxy
Some lady that keeps randomly stopping by when mom isn't home took me in her moving metal box today! She usually just walks me and makes me be calm and sit there a lot, but this time there was a one of those metal boxes on those rubber things that smell like a toy! And other dogs! And it WAS SO FREAKING EXCITING AND I WAS SCARED AND HAPPY AND OH JEEZ I WAS GOING SOMEWHERE! But she let me know that I needed to calm down cuz there is nothing to worry about, and I couldn't get too excited. With the other dogs here, we must be going some place fun! That always happens when there's other dogs in the moving metal box!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Proud of You Roxy Roo! - From Mom
Roxy has been trying to make it to the Wolf Pack! What do I mean? Trainer Ashley Wolf has been working with her to be a calm happy pup that I can take anywhere. We have quite a ways to go, but it'll be nice to be able to take her on the bike (which she LOVES) without fearing for our lives when she gets distracted. She cries and 'talks' at you when there are other dogs because she wants too desperately to play when it's not always an option, like on a bike...going fast...down a to traffic...or in a car on a long drive to go camping, and we got miss cry baby freaking out in the backseat! No no Rox.
Roxy has made some huge progress however in the last few weeks. In fact just last night she didn't even freak out and cry in her normal over-excitement when other dogs are in the vicinity. You can see the dog circled in the background and she's just happily staring at the trainer asking what's next!
Very proud of you Roxy. Pretty soon we'll be able to go EVERYWHERE together without you becoming an anxious wreck! Can't wait.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Roxy Home Alone - From Mom
I was very curious as to what Roxy does when I'm not here. So I downloaded this awesome iSpy software (FREE!) that detects movement. Unfortunately the aduio doesn't work (yet!) but I was able to catch what she did. This was only about ten minutes after I left. I'm happy my little girl entertains herself so well!
Now I gotta get the audio fixed for even more excitement and fun.
Now I gotta get the audio fixed for even more excitement and fun.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Calm Training? - From Roxy
HEY THERE! Er, I mean...hello. Mommy is rewarding me for be calm...and ignoring me when I'm jumping at her! So I'm learning pretty quickly to just sit nicely and I get so many pets and treats! Soooo many pets...I get so so many....SO SO SO SOOO MANY PETS IT'S SO AWESOME!!! Ahhhh! OOPS um! Ahem. It is really nice. The pets. The treats are good too. She gave me real meat today...I was starting to think something was wrong with her I mean she rarely eats's like the best thing in the world. It makes me happy! Soooo happy so SO SO HAPPY I GET SO HAPPY WHEN I oh oh AHEM. It makes me glad.
And I am more relaxed since this calm training. I mean...I personally don't understand why people don't like me greeting them with lots of kisses all over their hands and standing up in front of them while they're trying to carry things...I mean anyone would love that! But, mother knows best I suppose. And it is making me less anxious about other things too! Yay!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Pack Training! - From Mom
My awesome friend got a new job at a doggy place that has the coolest daycare ever! They go hiking and train the dogs while they watch them! Roxy gets to start that tomorrow and she is super excited...or at least she would be if she knew. But she'll know soon! She'll get to run outside with tons of dogs! Dog parks are great and all, but hiking with so many of her furry friends will be a great social and physical challenge for her and I'm looking forward to having a tired, social pup at the end of the day.
No Roxy, sorry, Dexter can't come. Your boyfriend is going to have to sit this one out! But don't worry you'll get to lick each others faces soon enough I'm sure.
No Roxy, sorry, Dexter can't come. Your boyfriend is going to have to sit this one out! But don't worry you'll get to lick each others faces soon enough I'm sure.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Singe the Cat - From Mom
Interesting week. Roxy spotted a stray greaseball of a cat across the street. I tied her up and the cat approached me happily. After picking him up and heading back, he randomly went ballistic and ran off! I felt so bad. I searched and searched. Finally, Roxy and I head in, I go to my balcony, angry at myself for letting the poor thing get away, when I see a white flash round a corner on the street behind me! I hopped on my bike and I chased that sucker down until he was tired and then I catnapped him! I AM THE CAT MASTER!!
I bathed the motor-oiled up cat with Dawn like they do with the oil spill animals. Got MOST of it out. His face had burnt fur and scrapes and a tiny chunk out of his ear, so I called him Singe. Since his fur was Singed off and all in a few spots.
He was the most cuddly cat ever, let me bathe him easily, hold him like a baby, and let Roxy lick his face once in awhile. He is at the Humane Society now after I fattened him up a bit, and will be ready to be adopted soon. If anyone wants a cuddly kitty, let me know and I'll try to get in contact with them! And the coolest thing about him, he has two different colored eyes! I was glad I got to have him for a short while.
I bathed the motor-oiled up cat with Dawn like they do with the oil spill animals. Got MOST of it out. His face had burnt fur and scrapes and a tiny chunk out of his ear, so I called him Singe. Since his fur was Singed off and all in a few spots.
He was the most cuddly cat ever, let me bathe him easily, hold him like a baby, and let Roxy lick his face once in awhile. He is at the Humane Society now after I fattened him up a bit, and will be ready to be adopted soon. If anyone wants a cuddly kitty, let me know and I'll try to get in contact with them! And the coolest thing about him, he has two different colored eyes! I was glad I got to have him for a short while.
Monday, April 8, 2013
My New Dress! - From Roxy
Mom got me this new dress and I must say I just look astounding in it! I am not one to brag but this pit across the street...well let's just say, he liked what he saw. I kept my lady-like cool, strutted past him with merely a glance...well maybe I was pulling a teeny tiny bit on my leash...and maybe I was perhaps whining and whimpering rather loudly just a few times...but that doesn't look desperate right? RIGHT?!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Biking! - From Mom
I am just thrilled to announce Roxy LOVES BIKES! I took her out, slow and careful at first, and she ran next to me like a champ! We went all the way to the park, then I let her run around with a dog for awhile and road our bike back. It was so much fun, she looked so happy the entire time. She really does have a big smiley face when she's happy.
Let's show 'em a smile!
...Not what I had in mind...Let's try again...
Let's show 'em a smile!
...Not what I had in mind...Let's try again...
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Use the Force - From Roxy
My mom is pretty obsessed with something she calls Star Wars...there is this little green fellow with awesome ears on there and he moves stuff...with his MIND! I'm a tad bit embarrassed to admit but I don't have opposable thumbs. DON'T LOOK! How rude! I'm self conscious about it okay?
Anyhoo this little green wrinkle bucket with the awesomely large ears closes his eyes and stands in front of this lake and lifts this big giant toy out of the water! All he has to do is concentrate and use the Force! So I'm going to practice on Force opening the front door!
One will happen...I just have to focus...
Anyhoo this little green wrinkle bucket with the awesomely large ears closes his eyes and stands in front of this lake and lifts this big giant toy out of the water! All he has to do is concentrate and use the Force! So I'm going to practice on Force opening the front door!
One will happen...I just have to focus...
Monday, March 11, 2013
I'm Roxy - From Roxy
Hi, I am Roxy! I am a German Shepherd / Blue Heeler Mix!
I'm 2! When Mom got me, I only knew sit and I know shake and not to pull on the leash and stay and leave it and so many other things! I like to learn, but my favorite thing is to cuddle. Every time my Mom is where I can reach her, I'll be leaning on her or laying on her. Sometimes I go play by myself raccoon just needs to be mauled at times. Sometimes I get so crazy with it I throw it into the TV or it gets stuck up high somewhere, but Mom just laughs and gets it for me.
I also have lots of play buddies my Mom brings around, and sometimes there's hundreds of thousands at the parks! I'm not sure if there are that many...there may actually be a billion sometimes.
Anyhoo I just wanted to say Hi! Please give me pets if you ever see me, everyone says how soft I will enjoy it...I will enjoy it...just touch me! Okay?! Okay, byyyyyye.
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