Thursday, April 11, 2013

Singe the Cat - From Mom

Interesting week. Roxy spotted a stray greaseball of a cat across the street. I tied her up and the cat approached me happily. After picking him up and heading back, he randomly went ballistic and ran off! I felt so bad. I searched and searched. Finally, Roxy and I head in, I go to my balcony, angry at myself for letting the poor thing get away, when I see a white flash round a corner on the street behind me! I hopped on my bike and I chased that sucker down until he was tired and then I catnapped him! I AM THE CAT MASTER!!

I bathed the motor-oiled up cat with Dawn like they do with the oil spill animals. Got MOST of it out. His face had burnt fur and scrapes and a tiny chunk out of his ear, so I called him Singe. Since his fur was Singed off and all in a few spots.

He was the most cuddly cat ever, let me bathe him easily, hold him like a baby, and let Roxy lick his face once in awhile. He is at the Humane Society now after I fattened him up a bit, and will be ready to be adopted soon. If anyone wants a cuddly kitty, let me know and I'll try to get in contact with them! And the coolest thing about him, he has two different colored eyes! I was glad I got to have him for a short while.

Monday, April 8, 2013

My New Dress! - From Roxy

Mom got me this new dress and I must say I just look astounding in it! I am not one to brag but this pit across the street...well let's just say, he liked what he saw. I kept my lady-like cool, strutted past him with merely a glance...well maybe I was pulling a teeny tiny bit on my leash...and maybe I was perhaps whining and whimpering rather loudly just a few times...but that doesn't look desperate right? RIGHT?!