Meet Charlie!
I wasn't sure how Charlie and Roxy would react to each other. Roxy loves cats, but sometimes she comes on a little bit strongly at first.
I needn't have worried, they LOVED each other! In fact I've had 3 other kittens since Charlie and none have loved each other so much as Roxy and Charlie. Charlie was young enough that he would try to breast feed from Roxy!
Seen here and in the picture below, he would knead at Roxy and try to get milk from her, and she would lay calmly and quietly and let him do his thing. I felt bad for the little guy, but I'm sure at least being able to go through the motions comforted him, even if he wasn't getting any milk.
Roxy was constantly bathing him. He would wander away, annoyed after too much licking, and then slowly walk back, staring up at her with his eyes squinted nearly shut, knowing he was about to get a big ol' tongue bath!

I decided not to rename this one, he was a Charlie!
He went to a family with a little girl.